Platteville Family Resource Center is committed to compassionate, confidential, and quality treatment of mental health challenges. We believe that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Because even people with the same challenges require different approaches, we offer a broad variety of therapy approaches and services. Services are provided in Platteville, Dodgeville, Lancaster, and Mount Horeb.
Treatment begins with an individual interview by your trained psychotherapist. At the end of the interview, the therapist will make recommendations and describes potential benefits as well as potential side effects of treatment, allowing the patient to make an informed choice about the treatment that will be best and most helpful for them. The therapist and the patient work together to make relevant and achievable treatment goals.
These evaluations aim to answer the question: how well does a parent’s current and future effectiveness fit with the needs of a child? Therefore, these evaluations identify behavioral, cognitive, and emotional characteristics of parents to assess their competence to care for a child and to keep a child safe. They evaluate parenting protective factors and child resilience to assess the goodness of fit between the parents’ abilities and the child’s needs. Parents with high parental effectiveness can manage a wide range of children, display compassion for child, expresses love, and exhibit a clear bond with the child. On the other hand, parents with low effectiveness typically have a limited range of parenting skills and are unable to care for the basic needs of a child.